Thursday, October 18, 2012

Comedy's Having a Bad Day

    Today came the reveal to two very sad pieces of news. One is that Movie 43 has now got a green-band trailer. The other is that Ghostbusters 3 is set to begin filming next summer.
    Now I know some people may find the news of a new Ghostbusters exciting. But, for the most part, most feel have seemed to have gone from hatred to denial to whatever in only the film's stay in development hell. This time around, it seems like the original cast will play the mentors to a new younger cast that could potentially take the series if the movie does well. Now, granted, that is probably the best possible story a 20 years later sequel to Ghostbusters could have but still. Why bother at this point? Oh right...
    As for Movie 43...

    Ya, it's not good. At all. It's like someone let a group of middle schooler write a movie and then somehow got almost every major star in Hollywood to star in it. The jokes aren't just lame. They're terrible. I haven't seen a trailer this bad in a looong time. The movie comes out next April if your interested. But, please, don't be interested.

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